English to Telugu dictionary words starting with n

English to telugu dictionary has over 18,000 words translated in telugu with related examples and definitions

nail-dyeplantnailnakenakednakednessname common to surya the sunname fname given in grammar to the four consonants yname given to the black-bellied finch larkname given tomortar because it discharges bombsname including the telugu and canarese countriesname of an ally of rāmaname of an ancient brief treatise upon telugu grammarname of an asuraname of an ogressname of an royal rishiname of an upanishadname of arjunaname of balarāmaname of brahmaname of brihaspatiname of certain singers in the heaven of indraname of cupidname of damayanti wife of nalaname of durganame of gaṇesaname of gaṇēsaname of honourname of indraname of kartikeyaname of kartikēyaname of kuberaname of kumaraswaminame of lakshminame of manmadhaname of marsname of mythological serpentname of one of the trees of heavenname of one of the vedasname of parvatiname of pārvatiname of rahuname of rāhuname of saniname of sarasvatiname of satyabhamaname of sivaname of the architect of thename of the ascending node of the moonname of the bow borne by vishnuname of the bowname of the bull of sivaname of the capital of yamaname of the charioteer of indraname of the elephant on which indra ridesname of the eleventh telugu monthname of the father of satyabhāma hence she is calledname of the first month in the telugu yearname of the god gaṇēsaname of the god krishnaname of the god of warname of the god suryaname of the god sūryaname of the goddess kāliname of the goddess lakshminame of the great dragonname of the last incarnation of vishṇuname of the lettername of the letterothe nasal charactername of the mining caste who are tank diggers and makers of wellsname of the mother of the demonsname of the mother of the nagasname of the mother of the pānḍavasname of the poet vyāsaname of the river godaveryname of the river heddoraname of the river jumnaname of the river kaveriname of the river pennar which falls into the sea near nellorename of the river styxname of the sacred syllable o mname of the second lunar monthname of the second region in patalamname of the secondary form of the vowelname of the sixth lunar monthname of the son of virāṭasee bhārataname of the sunname of the tenth lunar mansionname of the th lunar mansionname of the wife of balarāmaname of the wife of indraname of the wife of ravanas brothername of the wife of the god of firename of the wife of the saint jamadagni and mother of parasuramaname of vishṇuname of vyāsaname of yamaname of ṣivaname ofname ofbow used by the hero arjunaname ofcaste among telugu and canarese sudrasname ofcaste of ancient hill chieftainsname ofcelebrated hermitname ofcelebrated hindu poem describing the life of krishnaname ofcelebrated poem called by sirname ofcelebrated sanskrit poemname ofcelebrated writer on dramatic compositionname ofcertain aboriginal tribename ofcertain animalname ofcertain caste of weaversname ofcertain creepername ofcertain garden herbname ofcertain horsename ofcertain mountainname ofcertain part ofpikotaname ofcertain plantname ofcertain sage who lived fname ofcertain sagename ofcertain school of philosophy called the sankhya philosophyname ofcertain tree much cultivated in the neighbourhood of hyderabad fname ofcertain treename ofcertain tribe invizagapatam districtname ofcertain tunename ofcertain village goddessname ofcertain wandering castename ofcertain year in the hindu calendarname ofconstellationname ofcountry and ofcertain tunename ofcountry in the kistna districtname ofcountryname ofdemonname offeast calledname offeastname offemale demonname offemale slave of kaikeyiname offlowering plantname offorest mentioned in many poemsname ofgoddess like durganame ofgrove sacred to indraname ofhindu goddessname ofholy placename ofking of the serpentsname ofkingname oflakename oflarge climbing woody shrubname ofmagic arrow which arrests the progress of an enemyname ofmonkeyname ofmonthname ofparticular treename ofpetty goddessname ofplantname ofrishiname ofrivername ofshepherdessname ofsktname ofstream in the godavery districtname oftelugu yearname oftree called alsoname oftree calledname oftree which yieldsdyename oftreename ofvillagename ofyearname ofyounger brother of rámaname used fname usually applied to tamilnamenamednameless fellownamelike pugnament at the tip ofwomans queuenament fnament forwomans footnament hanging down the foreheadnament incollar of knighthoodnament of gold chains of twonament on the head an earringnament to dye their feet rednament which women wear on the upper part of the earnament worn by hindu wives on the great toenament worn from the tip of the earnament worn on the head by womennamentnamented and braided round the headnaments bells on the ankletsnaments ofmarried womannapenarratenarrationnarrativenarrow basket used fnarrow disgracefulnarrow necked vesselnarrow pass between hillsnarrow path between two fields left aspassage fnarrow pathnarrow placenarrow spacenarrownarrowness