Advisory meaning in hindi - Advisory का मतलब हिंदी में

Advisory meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Advisory
As noun : सलाहकारी Ex:  Voice-voting, advisory capacity
As adjective :
उपदेश पूर्ण Ex:  a frost advisory उपदेशक या सलाह देने की ताकत रखने वाला Ex:  The size of the advisory Council was reduced over the next half-century परामर्श देने वाली Ex:  The district councils are advisory only. परामर्शक Ex:  The Supreme Court does not issue advisory opinions . परामर्शदात्री Ex:  Members of advisory councils and boards are elected to two year terms उ:   अक्टूबरवादी परामर्शदात्री ड्यूमा से संतुष्ट थे। परामर्शिका Ex:  A European-African advisory council was formed in 1951 परामर्शी Ex:  There is also a local advisory body of fifteen members म‌ंत्रणा स‌ंब‌ंधी Ex:  Other joint committees serve to make advisory reports शिक्षाप्रद Ex:  Having advisory capacity Having the right to give his opinion, but this opinion be counted in the deliberations
Other : सलाहकार Ex:  This is not precept, this is only advisory उ:   साहित्य अकादमी में उर्दू सलाहकार बोर्ड की वे दो बार सदस्य भी रहीं।
Examples Words that rhyme with advisory
Advisory synonyms
helping consultative consultive counseling advising avuncular recommending
Usage of Advisory in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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