Aflame meaning in hindi - Aflame का मतलब हिंदी में

Aflame meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Aflame
As adjective :
अग्निवर्ण अभितप्त अरगवानी आदीपित उदुष्ट उद्दोतित कप्यास कृमिजा जलंती जाज्वल्य पाटलोपल प्रजुण प्रजुलित प्रज्जाल प्रज्वलित उ:   फिर उसमें चार ज्योतियाँ प्रज्वलित की जाती हें। प्रद्युतित प्रोद्दीप्त रत्ननिधि लक्ष्मीपुष्प लघमीपुष्प लाल उ:   पोकरण में लाल पत्थरों से निर्मित सुन्दर दुर्ग है। लालमुनी विदीपित शोण सुही सेँदुरा स्रणिका
Aflame ki paribhasha : maanika, birabahuti ya lahou aadi ke rng ka
Examples Words that rhyme with aflame
Aflame synonyms
alight flaring ignited lighted brilliant glowing incandescent luminous radiant refulgent sparkling gleaming aglow flashing scorching searing hot broiling illuminated sizzling blistering heated red-hot torrid enkindled oxidizing smoking smouldering in flames white-hot nervous enthusiastic delighted eager disturbed agitated passionate hysterical annoyed moved disconcerted inflamed provoked stimulated wired animated charged beside oneself feverish frantic high hot and bothered hyperactive jumpy on edge overwrought wild fired up thrilled stirred ruffled discomposed roused awakened aroused piqued tumultous/tumultuous in a tizzy juiced up keyed up steamed up worked up zipped up excitable vehement impassioned combustible spirited violent fierce intense choleric febrile fervid flickering flushed hot-tempered impetuous impulsive irascible irritable madcap peppery precipitate unrestrained fevered hot-blooded perfervid agitable hot-headed igneous raging burned kindling baked scorched smoldering set on fire ardent zealous
Aflame antonyms
dull unexcited dark dim apathetic unimportant cold cool indifferent disinterested bored composed laid-back uninspired calm unenthusiastic easy-going unenthused passive peaceful impassive subdued unhappy mild moderate gentle flat gleeful joyful pleased
Usage of Aflame in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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