Cipher meaning in hindi - Cipher का मतलब हिंदी में

Cipher meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cipher
As noun : अंतरख Ex:  The Intelligence agency sent a message in cipher to the headquarter.
आद्यक्षर Ex:  He is treated as a cipher in his office. उद्वस Ex:  The Enigma was influential in the field of cipher machine design कुछ नहीं Ex:  A Soviet cipher clerk खं Ex:  NIST selected a new cipher खुक्खल Ex:  The Caesar cipher is named after Julius Caesar गणित करना Ex:  Provenzano's cipher used numbers गुप्त लिखावट की कुंजी Ex:  The Caesar cipher can be easily broken even in a ciphertext-only scenario. गुप्त लिखावट Ex:  Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher छुटभैया Ex:  The cipher works a little differently for longer words though Ex:  Here is a partial list: According to the letter-based cipher theory ठल्लपु० Ex:  This class includes the popular Vigenère cipher तुच्छ वस्तु Ex:  The detailed operation of a cipher is controlled both by the algorithm and तुच्छय Ex:  He also invented what was probably the first automatic cipher device नगण्य व्यक्ति Ex:  In the polyalphabetic Vigenère cipher निकम्मी चीज Ex:  ROT13 is equivalent to an encryption algorithm known as a Caesar cipher फासफूस Ex:  You have to be clever to be good cipher arithmetician बीज लेख बीजांक में लिखना बीजांकन करना बेँदी बेकार की चीज़ लोकाक्ष वशिक विजिह्म शून्य उ:   शून्य को शून्य से भाग देने पर शून्य मिलता है। संकेताक्षर सिफर सून्य
Other : बिंदी Ex:  Read what is written in cipher उ:   भारत सरकार ने हरे रंग की बिंदी को शाकाहारी चिह्न की मान्यता दी है। बिंदु उ:   ऊँचाई - एक निश्चित बिंदु के ऊपर ऊर्ध्वाधर दूरी। बिन्दु उ:   यह वह बिन्दु है जहाँ पर पृथ्वी की धुरी घूमती है। बीजांक
Cipher ki paribhasha : chhote daraje ka ya nimnavargiy vyakti kaan ka ek aabhooshan
Examples Words that rhyme with cipher
Cipher synonyms
nonentity zip nil nobody blank squat zilch naught nullity insignificancy nought nada zippo diddly squat goose egg zot count resolve compute calculate reckon break decipher unravel estimate clear up
Cipher antonyms
estimate guess question wonder code
Usage of Cipher in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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