Digest meaning in hindi - Digest का मतलब हिंदी में

Digest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Digest
As noun : आत्मसात Ex:  It is difficult to digest the nakedness of truth. उ:   भारतीय भाषाओं के अनेक शब्द हिंदी भाषा में आत्मसात हो गए हैं ।
आत्मसात् करना Ex:  I cannot digest milk products. क्रमणिका Ex:  Because elephants only digest 40% of what they eat खमवा Ex:  Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. चयनिका डाइजेस्ट Ex:  This problem is overcome in the digest access authentication protocol डाइजेस्ट Ex:  Most humans lose the ability to fully digest milk after childhood . उ:   [२] वह रीडर्स डाइजेस्ट इंडिया के प्रधान संपादक थे। तहलील Ex:  Muddiman produced the Oxford Gazette as a digest of news of the royal court नीति का समूह Ex:  Action digest नीति संग्रह Ex:  In terms of medicine, L intolerance of the stomach, the inability of the stomach to digest this or that food, a particular remedy पचना Ex:  Inside Body which in the body of man or animal, is designed to receive and digest food पाचन Ex:  It can not digest this affront उ:   पाचन शक्ति सामान्य एवं सक्षम हो। संधारण Ex:  Which of the two kinds is difficult to digest सल्ब सहन करना सहना सार संग्रह हज़म करना
As verb : घोँटना Ex:  These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids पचाना Ex:  It also means, speaking of Things, Who does not have the qualities and conditions necessary for something His stomach is unable to digest the lightest
Other : क्रमानुसार रखना Ex:  The enzyme needed to digest lactose निचय Ex:  Absolutely, He weak stomach, it does not digest well श्रेणीबद्ध करना Ex:  It is hard to digest ; That's hard to swallow, says is an unexpected and unfortunate thing that happens to you संग्रह करना Ex:  The well-chewed meat is easier to digest हजम उ:   जिनको दूध नहीं पचता वे इसे सेवन कर दूध खूब हजम कर सकते हैं।
Digest ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth men ka moola, mukhya, kaam kaa, ya asali bhaag kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho vah grnth jisamen anek vishayon ki baaten ekatr ki gai hon auchity aur anauchity aadi ka vichaar karake kisi vishay ke do pakshon men se ek paksh ko thik thaharaana jo paachan shakti dbaara ras ya dhaatu ke roop men ho gaya ho kisi vishesh vastu ke ajirn ko naash karanevaali aushadh khaayi hui vastu ko jatharaagni ki sahaayata se rasaadi men parinat kar sharir men lagane yogy banaana ek prakaar ka masaala 5028 vah sab tumhen sahana padega khaayi hui vastu ka jatharaagni ki sahaayata se rasaadi men parinat hona
Examples Words that rhyme with digest
Digest synonyms
compendium sketch condensation abstract brief summary syllabus synopsis survey epitome prã©cis rã©sumã© aperã§u pandect short form sylloge incorporate consume absorb eat take macerate swallow dissolve chymify trim systematize cut abbreviate inventory reduce codify shorten condense decrease epitomize classify summarize tabulate compress cut down sum up methodize synopsize nutshell summate boil down cut to bone get to the meat put in a nutshell ponder consider deliberate study contemplate meditate master grasp analyze take in think about think over stomach brook abide bear go
Digest antonyms
unabridgement misunderstand enlarge lengthen build maintain detail expand disorganize amplify increase grow develop extend raise strengthen add fill ignore discard reject disregard forget neglect dismiss not get refuse shun avoid dodge stop
Usage of Digest in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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