Dissonance meaning in hindi - Dissonance का मतलब हिंदी में

Dissonance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dissonance
As noun : असंगति Ex:  There is some dissonance among the members of the party. उ:   असंगति को, लक्ष्य की वांछनीयता अतिशयोक्ति द्वारा कम किया जा सकता है।
असंवादिता Ex:  The trilogy is an exercise in cognitive dissonance उद् ध्वंस Ex:  In terms of music, Resolution dissonance, Action to voice interval The consonant chord that ends dissonance whose ear expects termination कटुकता Ex:  In terms of music, solve a dissonance Make hear the meantime, the consonant chord which ended a dissonance whose ear expects termination कर्कशता Ex:  It is said in an analogous sense Prepare a dissonance ध्वनि वैषम्यअ Ex:  Music Train dissonance परुखाई Ex:  Music Who trains dissonance विस्वरता वेसुरापन
Other : बेसुरापन Ex:  Save a dissonance The forward a suitable deal that prevents it hurts the ear विभिन्नता Ex:  The seventh is a dissonance उ:   अवयवों की विभिन्नता से रंग में अंतर आ जाता है।
Dissonance ki paribhasha : ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen kaaryakaaran ke bich desha-kaala-snbndhi anyathaatv dikhaaya jaaya, arthaat srashtiniyam ke viruddh kaaran kahin bataaya jaay aur kaary kahin kisi niyat samay men honevaale kaary ka kisi doosare samay men hona dikhaaya jaay
Examples Words that rhyme with dissonance
Dissonance synonyms
disparity dissension incongruity discrepancy disharmony contention antagonism controversy strife inconsistency variance difference conflict dissidence disaccord harshness jangle cacophony jarring unmelodiousness
Dissonance antonyms
concurrence accord similarity consonance resonance agreement harmony concord sympathy peace peacefulness
Usage of Dissonance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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