Expression meaning in hindi - Expression का मतलब हिंदी में

Expression meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expression
As noun : अँगडा़ई Ex:  She had a jiggered expression on her face.
अंग भाव Ex:  her habitually severe expression अक्दे Ex:  pardon the expression अग्रन Ex:  I could easily read the expression of sadness in her face. अघ्रान Ex:  Sam is watching the programme with an intent expression . अड़ाअड़ Ex:  He wore a dispirited expression in her face. अनन्यभाव Ex:  She wore a rather dispiriting expression in her face. अनभावा Ex:  Neelima held a poker faced expression after hearing the news. अनुरोधन Ex:  Krishna has saintly expression on his face. अनुसरण Ex:  Thank you for your expression of gratitude . उ:   मूर्तिकला, यूनानी और रोमनी का अनुसरण कर रही थी। अनुसृति Ex:  In part, this was an expression of the Renaissance idealization of masculinity. अभिव्यंजना Ex:  An expression “Boston lord” would be a perfect English analogy. उ:   यह शैली रंग, अभिव्यंजना एवं रूप में उत्कृष्ट है। अभिव्यक्ति Ex:  The expression direction coefficient उ:   अभिव्यक्ति का अर्थ विचारों के प्रकाशन से है। अभिव्यक्तिकरण Ex:  The ambiguity of the sitter's expression अभिसंधा Ex:  The expression Grand Slam आनुकूल्य Ex:  Te is the active expression of Tao. इमोशन Ex:  Perhaps its greatest expression is a rhythmic form of music called Junkanoo. ईशारा Ex:  Consequently, many academic writers prefer not to use the expression at all. उँघाई Ex:  This is, reportedly, where the expression "to toe the line" springs from. उत्पीड‌़न Ex:  This form of cultural expression often times promotes anti racism उपक्षेपण Ex:  The expression Vernichtung durch Arbeit was frequently used. एक्सप्रेशन Ex:  Baroque religious expression was emotional औपयिक Ex:  Another frequently heard Manx expression is meaning 'time enough' खौट Ex:  Quaker testimonies are an expression of "spirituality in action". गार्हपत Ex:  This is the origin of the expression "cash on the nail" चालढाल Ex:  Another prominent example of a surviving Leet expression is चुआव Ex:  Today, it finds its expression mainly in a humorous form and in sports. चुकावडा Ex:  1937. His artistic expression was created from images in his mind चोँका Ex:  Rothbard said that "capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism चोँथ Ex:  Buddhist art is characterized by a clear fluidness in the expression चोखनि Ex:  The higher the expression of PCA3 in urine जाजना Ex:  This expression suggests that Great Britain was झड़न Ex:  It became an expression of tsarist patriotism and imperialism. झीँख Ex:  "a place of expression for the young idealists in arts and letters". झोँकवाई Ex:  The Rastafarian Jah is derived from this, as well as the expression Hallelujah. झोँकाई Ex:  "The Place" Used in the traditional expression of condolence टहलान Ex:  Byzantine art is almost entirely concerned with religious expression and ठगपना Ex:  In the expression a + bi ठोँ Ex:  Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression ढँग Ex:  Epigenetics is the study of the regulation of gene expression through chemical ढंग Ex:  This expression may have come from some other Tribe उ:   तीनों अलग अलग ढंग से पैदा हुए होंगे। तकन Ex:  Performance is the physical expression of music. तकर्रुरी Ex:  The National Liberals took this program to be an expression of State Socialism तकलीद Ex:  This achieved its fullest expression in the United States तपम्विता Ex:  An art form is a specific form for artistic expression to take तर्हदारी Ex:  While the constitution defends liberty of expression तिरन Ex:  The province is home to a full spread of expression तिरावण Ex:  This also finds expression in African musical melodies and rhythms. तुड़ा़ई Ex:  As a form of cultural expression by humans तुतरानि Ex:  A clear expression तुतलान Ex:  A dreamy expression तेहराव Ex:  A strong thought, just, light carries with it expression दराकन Ex:  A word, a phrase found, a new and happy expression दलानि Ex:  Accept the expression of my devoted sentiments दुआगोई Ex:  Accuracy strict, rigorous clarity of thought and expression दोहराहट Ex:  algebraic expression consisting of three terms धँधला Ex:  An algebraic expression धिग्वाद Ex:  An expression grimacing निबटान Ex:  An expression strong निबर्हण Ex:  An expression that has been used to refer to a citizen enjoying his political rights निर्गंधता Ex:  Anatomy It is used in the expression निष्कामता Ex:  Antique It is usual that in this expression पटकनि Ex:  Bring a fraction to its simplest expression पदसंहति Ex:  C ' is a doll face is said of a person whose face is too primed and lack of expression पाठपद्धति Ex:  Clarity of expression पाठप्रणाली Ex:  Consist face, take a serious look, take an expression that suits the circumstances studied पादविन्यास Ex:  d Algebra The expression of the condition of equality established between two algebraic quantities पारिव्राजक, पारिव्राज्य Ex:  ennoble a term, an expression of how to use पिहकनि Ex:  expression पूछाताछी Ex:  expression पूछापेखी Ex:  FACE also said Air facial expression प्रकटन Ex:  Figures of thought, Those that usually consist of some independent thought towers expression antithesis, comparison, apostrophe , interrogation, list, personification, etc उ:   यम के अधिकांश प्रकटन पहली और दसवीं पुस्तक में हैं। प्रणाशन Ex:  For this expression and those like him, see AIR प्रतज्ञित Ex:  FULL often built with the preposition and is used to form different adverbial phrases of place and time, which means Amid but that truly serve to give more strength and expression to what is said फड़क Ex:  Giving a pass, an expression meaning forcible फुलनि Ex:  Happy expression " फेँक Ex:  hazard a sentence, a figure of speech, expression, Use of a sentence, in a manner of speaking, a new expression or the use of which is not yet well established फेँट Ex:  He is familiar except that expression The Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc, who saved the city of Orléans, besieged by the English बदचलनी Ex:  He outraged his role, he has loaded, it has forced the expression बरसनि Ex:  He said especially in this expression बलकनि Ex:  He said in a more general way of Intonation suited to the expression of various feelings बाव Ex:  He says, speaking of things especially in this expression बिगोवन Ex:  He still says the kind of expression that have certain objects or attitudes भंडपना Ex:  His face has a lot of expression भगदर Ex:  His look is full of expression, is devoid of expression भरबाई Ex:  I finds no expression that responds well to my thoughts भारवाहन Ex:  If it was the superlative expression भाव Ex:  IL, neutral, has a sense of this in the expression True, sandwiched in a sentence उ:   इसमें उत्पन्न भाव को वाच्यार्थ कहा जाता है। भावाकृति Ex:  In terms of painting, it means the Imitation, the expression true nature भावाट Ex:  In the expression Many times, one employs the singular Maint भावाभिव्यक्ति Ex:  In this sense it is used especially in the expression By means of उ:   लेकिन वे हमेशा अपनी कोमल भावाभिव्यक्ति के कारण सराहे गए हैं। भुनवाई, भुनाई Ex:  In this sense, it is not in use in the expression Do you cure something भोक्तृत्व Ex:  In what terms are you together? It also means expression of an idea, word मँजाई Ex:  It also means a lot of expression Who मचमचाहट Ex:  It also means a spending Memory in the following expression card to pay मिलौअल Ex:  It Arithmetic n is hardly in use in this expression मुँहचोरई ‡ Ex:  It does not say much more as in the expression Bayer crows, Wasting time to look up foolishly मुँहभराई Ex:  It does not use that expression in Gagneur battles, General who won many victories मुरक Ex:  It employs specially in terms of Zoology in the expression मुर्गबाजी Ex:  It is also a term of reproach, a mood of impatience expression and मुहताजी Ex:  It is also used when it is an expression or मूत्तत्व Ex:  It is hardly used in this sense in the expression for Retirement torches See RETIREMENT and some phrases figured मेरवन Ex:  It is mainly used in the expression demarcation line, any line drawn on a map, etc मेल Ex:  It is no longer used as Pull the popular expression in his breeches, Escape उ:   वाक्य पदों के मेल से बनता है। मोरन Ex:  It is no longer used in the expression Brother lai, serving Brother which is not intended to sacred orders मोहताजी Ex:  It is not used in the expression Fallen Angel मौकूफी Ex:  It is not usual that in this expression रफतनी Ex:  It is not usual that women do and employs more than in the expression Cause efficiently, as opposed to Cause final रवैया ‡ Ex:  It is old and is hardly in use in the expression From top trimming, Large birth, senior रुँख Ex:  It is popularly speak only to use such an expression रूख Ex:  It is said mainly in contrast to the expression of God's children उ:   इसके लावा प्रिंट मीडिया का रूख किया। रौँदन Ex:  It is said that hardly seriously injured in the expression लटकनि Ex:  It is sometimes said instead MOUTH MOUTH in the expression Coming mouth floured लटापटी Ex:  It is still used as well in the figurative expression Throwing his sights on something, views Having decided on one thing and pretend get वअन Ex:  It is used in the expression of Saute wind Sudden change of several quarters in the wind reigning वचन Ex:  It is used in this expression उ:   पर वे वचन दे चुकी थीं। वजेकता Ex:  It is used in this expression वयन Ex:  It is used in this popular expression It's a Gigogne mother, is a woman who has many children, in allusion to a character Puppet theater that represented many children surrounded by वशिता Ex:  It is used only in the expression Wink वाक्यरीति Ex:  It is used only in this expression : Leap year, one that comes every four years in which February has twenty-nine days instead of twenty-eight विह्नलता Ex:  It is usual that in the expression Business Day, a day that is not a holiday and is dedicated to the work व्यंअजक Ex:  It means Who figuratively lack of movement, alertness, expression व्यंजक (गणित Ex:  it means Who Lack of fire, emotional, expression व्यंजक Ex:  It once meant Meals, and in this sense, it s' employed mainly in the plural in the expression Franches lippées व्यक्तीकरण Ex:  It said, in terms of logic, the expression by which a proposal is affirmative शब्द प्रयोग Ex:  It says especially style, expression and language सत्यसंभव Ex:  It says especially violent feelings or expression समतुल्य संबंध Ex:  It should not take this phrase, this expression literally, at the foot of the letter समागमन Ex:  It uses only in this expression of theological language, necessitating Grace, Grace constrained and that takes away freedom समुझनि Ex:  of There are two kinds employs, literally, as in the expression Danse macabre, Suite pictures representing Death carrying with it, dancing, characters of all conditions सलामकराई Ex:  Old word meaning quarrel, dispute about a matter of little importance and which seeks more than the expression Search noise सान्निव्यता Ex:  Olive oil is obtained by expression of सीक्रेट Ex:  Put the soul of the expression in her singing, the emphasis in his language सीझ Ex:  Reduce a fraction to its simplest expression स्मेरता Ex:  Rhetoric Figure by which redoubles an expression for the strengthening हँकराव, हँकरावा Ex:  Rhetoric Figure, use of an expression in a figurative sense हँसन Ex:  Speaking of a rival, an opponent, this expression means be left to enjoy its advantages present, but a time will come when we will have because of it हरखनि Ex:  SWEET is working as feminine name in this figurative expression and familiar, speaking of a woman हलाकानी ‡ Ex:  That lack of expression हालडोल Ex:  The connections make the expression of the clearer thinking हाव भाव Ex:  The expression is very delicate हिलनि Ex:  The expression joy, pain
Other : अभिव्यंजन Ex:  From this came the expression "to ride one's hobby-horse" उच्चारण Ex:  With an easing of restrictions on political expression उ:   मंत्रों का जोर-जोर से उच्चारण होता है । पद Ex:  Business Action It is usual that in this expression उ:   तबसे वह इस पद पर कार्य कर रहे हैं। पदावली Ex:  Chemistry is not as usual in this expression उ:   पदावली और कीर्तिलता इनकी अमर रचनाएँ हैं। मुहावरा Ex:  It is hardly said that in the expression वाचक Ex:  It is used only in this expression A meal of Lucullus by referring to a character in the Latin antiquity famous for its luxury and taste good food उ:   वाचक माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड हेतु एक पाठ से वाक प्लगइन है।
Expression ki paribhasha : kntha, taalu, oshtha, jihva aadi ke prayatn dvaara manushyon ka vyakt aur vibhakt dhvani nikalana vah pad samooh jisase ota ko vakta ke abhipraay ka bodh ho kisi pustak ke chhap jaane par usako sarvasaadhaaran men prachalit karane ka kaam vah shabd jo goodhaarth ko prakat kare jamindaaron ka ek hak jo unako asaami ki kanya ke vivaah ke samay milasa hai manushy ke muanh se nikala hua saarthak shabd man ke bhaavon ka shabdon men chitran ya roopavidhaan
Expression synonyms
definition style word language explanation remark interpretation speech term statement phrase voice enunciation vent elucidation communication narration argument rendition announcement diction assertion idiom emphasis exposition commentary issue speaking articulation voicing pronouncement delivery mention asseveration declaration intonation execution phraseology locution phrasing writ utterance formulation choice of words set phrase turn of phrase look character face aspect smile grin simper visage mien pout smirk mug air cast countenance grimace sneer contortion
Expression antonyms
silence concealment quiet suppression denial question grin
Usage of Expression in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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