Extinguish meaning in hindi - Extinguish का मतलब हिंदी में

Extinguish meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Extinguish
As noun : उछेदना Ex:   The use of water to extinguish the fire was also frustrated.
तोड़फोड़ Ex:  Action to extinguish or report what goes out, what is off उ:   इस स्तूप में एक स्थान पर दूसरी शताब्दी ई.पू. में तोड़फोड़ की गई थी। धाहना Ex:  As soon as we rang the tocsin, the people rushed to extinguish the fire धुधराना Ex:  Device extinguisher or ellipse extinguisher device that is used to extinguish fires नठनापु Ex:  extinguish the fire of the enemy, Stopping the enemy fire by a senior shooting नष्ट करना Ex:  extinguish the fire or fires of the enemy, Dismantle his guns, prevent them from taking opposing their superior artillery by the number or the skill परिदलन बिघटाना बिधंसना बिनशना बिमर्दना भँडा़ना मुरकाना मोड़ना तोड़ना मोसना विधंसना ‡ विर्मदन व्यापाद
As verb : अधिक ज्योति से अस्पष्ट या म्लान कर देना Ex:  But the Stoics did not seek to extinguish emotions निर्धाप Ex:  They want to extinguish the memory निर्वापित करना Ex:  Metal box so made, which is used to suppress and extinguish coals परिशमन करना बुझा देना बुझाना उ:   आरंभ में आग बुझाना सरल रहता है। बुताना
Extinguish ki paribhasha : kisi ko boojhane men pravratt karana
Examples Words that rhyme with extinguish
Extinguish synonyms
snuff out quench stamp out smother suffocate douse trample drown stifle choke blot out blow out wipe out annihilate exterminate suppress obliterate quell erase eliminate abate destroy eradicate end expunge squash remove abolish crush extirpate obscure check put down put the lid on
Extinguish antonyms
create start light bear revive construct build help give birth uncompress
Usage of Extinguish in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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