Adherence example sentences

The head office normally appoints inspectors, who are concerned with day-to-day supervision of the shops, in respect of quality of customer service provided, adherence to the policies of the head office, and so on.One of the reasons for the adoption of 'Historical Cost' as the basis of recording accounting transaction is that adherence to the principle of objectivity is made possible by it.Adherence to this principle ensures effective direction.The soundness of the judgement necessarily depends on the competence and integrity of those who make them and on their adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Conventions .In certain cases, when the amount involved is very small, strict adherence to accounting principles is not required.Over time, conflicts often develop between the licensor/franchiser and licensee/franchisee over issues such as maintenance of accounts, payment of royalty and non-adherence to norms relating to production of quality products.

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