Aggression example sentences

Jung saw human beings guided as much by aims and aspirations as by sex and aggression.In instrumental aggression, the act of aggression is meant to obtain a certain goal or object.Parents and teachers should be specially careful not to encourage or reward aggression in any form.Moreover, such aggression was often shown towards a weaker person who was unlikely, or unable, to react to the aggression.The analysis of responses is based on the type and direction of aggression.Aggression could also be indirectly triggered by physiological mechanisms, especially by the activation of certain parts of the brain that play a role in emotional experience.Without doubt violence and aggression shown on television and the film media have a powerful influence on the viewers, especially the children.If a child observes aggression and violence on television, s/he may start imitating that behaviour.Psychological stress is accompanied by negative emotions and associated behaviours, including depression, hostility, anger and aggression.Some researchers have found that observing violence leads to a greater likelihood of aggression on the part of the observer only if weapons of aggression like a stick, pistol or knife are easily available.One researcher found that inhaling tobacco smoke can increase the aggression level of individuals.However, the learning of aggression can be curtailed by creating the appropriate attitude towards the general problem of growing aggression.Aggression is an expression, and consequence of frustration, i.e. an emotional state that arises when a person is prevented from reaching a goal, or attaining an object that s/he wants.The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, gave the world a new view on peace that was not simply the absence of aggression.Individuals may exhibit aggression because they have found it rewarding (for example, hostile aggression allows the aggressive person to get what s/he wants).

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