Ancestor example sentences

The first animal to be tamed was the wild ancestor of the dog.सबसे पहले जिस जंगली जानवर को पालतू बनाया गया वह कुत्ता थाThis assumes that organisms belonging to the same taxa have a common ancestor.They said: “After all their ancestors were our kings before foreigners started ruling us.Amongst its sporting ancestors, hockey can count the Scottish game called shinty, the English and Welsh game called bandy and Irish hurling.This law allowed an Indian who had converted to Christianity to inherit the property of his ancestors.His father, Paigambar Bux, and other paternal ancestors were also great shehnai players.Tilloo s father recalled the ancient days recorded in the archives at the Central Bureau when their ancestors had a well-developed space programme and had searched the solar system with manned and unmanned spacecraft and found that they were indeed alone .

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