Attached example sentences

Further, he has attached a wooden cart to his buffalo and uses it to transport various items.Auto dialer button in a form when clicked is capable of dialing a telephone number, provided a modem is attached and configureured in the computer system.It is thallus-like and prostrate or erect and attached to the substratum by rhizoids.Then after numbering it, the substituents are attached to the correct carbon atoms and finally valence of each carbon atom is satisfied by putting the correct number of hydrogen atoms.Ethane molecule (C2H6) contains a carbon – carbon single bond with each carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms.They include generalised anxiety disorder, which consists of prolonged, vague, unexplained and intense fears that are not attached to any particular object.The attached label control is removed by a right click on this label followed by a click on Cut.attached to carbon atoms in alkanes or other classes of compounds.So they set up record rooms attached to all administrative institutions.The stigma attached to mental illness means that people are hesitant to consult a doctor or psychologist because they are ashamed of their problems.In spite of the great value and importance attached to pro-social behaviour, people do not show such behaviour very often.Each carbon has three lines attached to it corresponding to three hydrogen atoms.Dihalides in which two halogen atoms are attached to two adjacent carbon atoms are known as vicinal dihalides.The attached label of SubForm is removed to pave the way for creating dynamic title.On the basis of this observation August Kekulé in 1865 proposed the following structure for benzene having cyclic arrangement of six carbon atoms with alternate single and double bonds and one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom.

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