Borrow example sentences

These sources include borrowings from commercial banks, public deposits, lease financing and loans from financial institutions.Collateral is an asset that the borrower owns (such as land, building, vehicle, livestocks, deposits with banks) and uses this as a guarantee to a lender until the loan is repaid.Almost all of the borrowers are women and belong to poorest sections of the society.Overdrafts are where the bank account becomes negative and the businesses in effect have borrowed from the bank.Short-term borrowings offer the benefit of reduced cost due to reduction of idle capital, but long – term borrowings are considered a necessity on many grounds.The procedure of obtaining deposits is simple and does not contain restrictive conditions as are generally there in a loan agreement; Cost of public deposits is generally lower than the cost of borrowings from banks and financial institutions; Public deposits do not usually create any charge on the assets of the company.Too many formalities make the procedure time consuming and expensive; Certain restrictions such as restriction on dividend payment are imposed on the powers of the borrowing company by the financial institutions; Financial institutions may have their nominees on the Board of Directors of the borrowing company thereby restricting the powers of the company.The debenture issued by a company is an acknowledgment that the company has borrowed a certain amount of money, which it promises to repay at a future date.For instance, the central dome of the iceroy's Palace was copied from the Buddhist stupa at Sanchi, and the red sandstone and carved screens or jalis were borrowed from Mughal architecture.A short-term need for example can be met through borrowing funds at low rate of interest through trade credit, commercial paper, etc.For example, moneylenders in the informal sector that you read about in Chapter 3 adopt various tricks to bind the borrower: they could make the producer sell the produce to them at a low rate in return for a timely loan; they could force a small farmer like Swapna to sell her land to pay back the loan.Every loan agreement specifies an interest rate which the borrower must pay to the lender along with the repayment of the principal.The rich households are availing cheap credit from formal lenders whereas the poor households have to pay a heavy price for borrowing! What does all this suggest? First, the formal sector still meets only about half of the total credit needs of the rural people.These papers are issued by governments or firms for borrowing money from the public and they are tradable in the market.This would lead to higher incomes and many people could then borrow cheaply for a variety of needs.

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