Box example sentences

He had torn the lining of the box to shreds; when I removed the last of it so that there were no cutting edges left, it was just ten minutes until the time of the flight, and the airport was five miles distant.Re-size the list boxes to adjust their width and height appropriately.Pick up a List control from tool box and place it next to this calculated text control to choose the account.Of these, tourism, transportation and business services are major constituents of world trade in services (see Box C).The group of organic compounds called carboxylic acids are obviously characterised by a special acidity.If the option for modify design is exercised, the design of the Form is available along with tool box with various controls to facilitate modification of design.Text box, when bound to a particular field of the table, retrieves and displays the data stored in field for a particular row and is capable of modifying and adding data to the table.Create a blank form in design view and ensure that its underlying data source is selected as ouchersMain table and Field List window along with tool box is also displayed.Detergents are generally ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic acids.The box explains how an import-export company was able to track dishonest employees by using computer monitoring as a part of their control system.Paste another text box anywhere in the Form and set its Control Source property as = al(DMax( no , oucher ))+1 and isible property to No.This is achieved by right click on the text box, followed by choosing Change To and selecting the type of control to into which text box is to be morphed.One woman took Kasturbai into her hut and said, ''Look, there is no box or cupboard here for clothes.Access responds by invoking List Box Wizard, which provides for three options to choose the look up values.To the right of labels Authorised By and Prepared By are List Box controls to get and display the first name of employees.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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