Certain example sentences

The accounting year has already been ended and the books are now finalised to ascertain true profit or loss.The excess of current assets over current liabilities provides a measure of safety margin available against uncertainty in realisation of current assets and flow of funds.Within India, there are cases of success in government water departments, though these are few in number and limited to certain areas of their work.Untouchability here does not only mean refusal to touch people belonging to certain castes.Psychologists interested in the study of personality, try to answer certain questions about the nature and origin of individual differences in personality.Indians were considered to have no talent for the game and certainly not meant to play it.In order to maintain uniformity and consistency in accounting records, certain rules or principles have been developed which are generally accepted by the accounting profession.The concept states that a conscious approach should be adopted in ascertaining income so that profits of the enterprise are not overstated.Pro-social behaviour is expressed when the situation activates certain social norms that require helping others.Each of these sub-systems follows certain procedures and continuously interacts with each other and their external environment to accomplish the goals of organisation.On the other hand, there may be uncertainty of business activities due to political unrest and threats to law and order.Under this method, statements of assets and liabilities as at the beginning and at the end of the relevant accounting period are prepared to ascertain the amount of change in the capital during the period.Aquatic organisms are used to a certain range of temperature in the water-body where they live, and a sudden marked change in this temperature would be dangerous for them or affect their breeding.This investment earns as certain amount of income (call it interest) which is reinvested together with the fixed appropriated amount for the purpose in subsequent years.Certain important trends can be observed in the chemical behaviour of group 13 elements.

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