Class example sentences

On the basis of these two categories, we may classify business firms into industrial and commercial enterprises.In other parts of Europe where independent nation-states did not yet exist – such as Germany, Italy, Poland, the Austro-Hungarian Empire – men and women of the liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification.Based on these, transport can also be classified into land, water and air transport.You read about this in the chapter on the 'Story of a Shirt' in your Class book.You may be already familiar with the concept of norms discussed in Class .Abraham Maslow, a well-known Psychologist in a classic paper published in 1943, outlined the elements of an overall theory of motivation.The headmistress asked Bholi to sit down in a corner in one of the classrooms.These struggles, as you read in your Class book, are often not covered by the media.You might want to explain the ideas of virtual reality and virtual classroom .Another way of classifying economic activities into sectors could be on the basis of who owns assets and is responsible for the delivery of services.For example, the distance of an audience from a public speaker, or a teacher in a classroom.New groups of lower-middle-class people such as shopkeepers and clerks, along with the traditional aristocratic and gentlemanly classes in England and France now formed the new readership for novels.And she thought of the glowing picture those hundred dresses made — all lined up in the classroom.The needs in this hierarchy have been classified as physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, egoistic needs and self-actualisation needs.Another way was to include various classes in the novel so that they could be seen to belong to a shared world.

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