Close example sentences

When the older man enters, she gently withdraws behind the broken wall and brings her veil closer to her face.If aggregate output level, price level, or employment level, in the different production units of an economy, bear close relationship to each other then the task of analysing the entire economy becomes relatively easy.The Bowman's capsule encloses the glomerulus to form Malpighian or renal corpuscle.The close connection between the state and bankers – noticeable in Hyderabad and Awadh as well – was evident in Bengal under the rule of Alivardi Khan (r.She gave a startled cry, for there the little bird lay, at the bottom, on his side, with his eyes closed, and he looked as if he were dead.When a liquid evaporates in a closed container, molecules with relatively higher kinetic energy escape the liquid surface into the vapour phase and number of liquid molecules from the vapour phase strike the liquid surface and are retained in the liquid phase.” I explained to her the close and venerable relationship between Bill and William, but she wouldn't have it.Meiosis ends with telophase , in which the two groups of chromosomes once again get enclosed by a nuclear envelope; cytokinesis follows resulting in the formation of tetrad of cells i.e., four haploid daughter cells.In a primary group, there is a face-to-face interaction, members have close physical proximity, and they share warm emotional bonds.The thallus is dorsiventral and closely appressed to the substrate.between system and the surroundings The presence of reactants in a closed vessel made of conducting material e.g., copper or steel is an example of a closed system.Water is directly drawn from the rivers for supplementing irrigation in areas close to rivers.Those who come into close contact with you also build their own image of you for themselves, and they also sometimes communicate this image to you.We take water at temperature, TA in a container having thermally conducting walls, say made up of copper and enclose it in a huge heat reservoir at temperature, TB.When New Delhi was built, the National Museum and the National Archives were both located close to the iceregal Palace.

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