Composition example sentences

Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of a wide variety of rocks rich in aluminium silicates.Such a decomposition reaction into smaller fragments by the application of heat is called pyrolysis or cracking.What is more remarkable is the change in the composition of services exports., mineral composition, texture, structure, origin, occurrence, alteration and relationship with other rocks.The decomposition is caused by some microorganisms.Manifestations of creativity can be observed in a novel solution to a problem, an invention, composition of a poem, painting, new chemical process, an innovation in law, a breakthrough in preventing a disease and the like.In order to understand the dynamic nature of the reaction, synthesis of ammonia is carried out with exactly the same starting conditions (of partial pressure and temperature) but using D2 (deuterium) in place of H The reaction mixtures starting either with H2 or D2 reach equilibrium with the same composition, except that D2 and ND3 are present instead of H2 and NH After equilibrium is attained, these two mixtures are mixed together and left for a while.Guru Angad compiled the compositions of Guru Nanak, to which he added his own in a new script known as Gurmukhi.These eleven countries together accounted for about 48 per cent of India's total trade (comprising of both the exports and imports) in 2003-0 India's trade in services have also undergone significant changes over the years in terms of both the volume and composition of trade.Manure is an organic substance obtained from the decomposition of plant or animal wastes.As per AS-3, financing activities are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the owners' capital (including preference share capital in case of a company) and borrowings of the enterprise.Catalyst does not effect the equilibrium composition of a reaction mixture but increases the rate of chemical reaction by making available a new lower energy pathway for conversion of reactants to products and vice-versa.On the contrary comets have been scientifically studied and their composition is well understood.A naturally occurring substance that has a definite chemical composition is a mineral.Decomposition reactions are opposite to combination reactions.

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