Contribution example sentences

He worked in a variety of fields, and made important contributions to immunochemistry, cosmology, the origin of life, and the causes of ice age.In actual fact the Napoleonic wars were won because of the economic contribution of the iron works of Scotland and Wales, the mills of Lancashire and the financial houses of the City of London.Thus, the amount realised from assets along with contribution from partners, if required, shall be utilised first to pay off the outside liabilities of the firm such as creditors, loans, bank overdraft, bill payables, etc.A child, too, with investments made on her education and health, can yield a high return in the future in the form of higher earnings and greater contribution to society.The Rs 200 worth of bread that they have produced is not entirely their own contribution.A milestone contribution to the understanding of photosynthesis was that made by a microbiologist, Cornelius van Niel (1897-1985), who, based on his studies of purple and green bacteria, demonstrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light-dependent reaction in which hydrogen from a suitable oxidisable compound reduces carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.Hence, aggregate value of goods produced by this simple economy is Rs 100 (net contribution by the farmers) + Rs 150 (net contribution by the bakers) = Rs 250.The payment is made to the creditors first out of the assets realised and, if necessary, next out of the contributions made by the partners in their profit sharing ratio.Horney's major contribution lies in her challenge to Freud's treatment of women as inferior.Motivation of members decreases because they realise that their contributions will not be evaluated on individual basis.Therefore the entire Rs 100 is rightfully the contribution of the farmers.Consider the following examples: A supervisor explains a worker about operations to be carried by him on a lathe machine, A mining engineer explains about safety precautions to be followed while working in a coal mine, A Managing Director declares share in the profits to the managers for their contribution to inhance profits of the company, and A manager inspires his/her employees by playing a lead role in performing a work.Worker's performance and attitudes determine their contribution towards productivity and profitability of any enterprise.A very significant contribution of mitosis is cell repair.The seminal contribution with respect to resource conservation at the global level was made by the Brundtland Commission Report, 198 This report introduced the concept of 'Sustainable Development' and advocated it as a means for resource conservation, which was subsequently published in a book entitled Our Common Future.

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