Cup example sentences

Profession includes those activities, which require special knowledge and skill to be applied by individuals in their occupation.So anyone who felt I should be given some occupation would barge into my cubicle and deliver an extended lecture.According to the 2001 census, over 12 million children in India aged between 5 and 14 work in various occupations including hazardous ones.As society became more differentiated, people were grouped into jatis or sub-castes and ranked on the basis of their backgrounds and their occupations.You have seen (Chapter 2) how the English East India Company s interest in trade led to occupation of territory, and how the pattern of trade changed over the decades.The blacks or native traders and craftspersons were confined here while the white rulers occupied the superior residencies of Fort St George in Madras or Fort St William in Calcutta.Members of a tribe follow occupations such as hunting, gathering, farming, herding and fishing.जनजाति के सदस्य शिकार, भोजन-संग्रह, खेती, पशुपालन और मछली पकड़ने जैसे पेशे अपनाते हैं|A point occupies no space.The enormous popularity of this shortened version of the game led to the first World Cup being successfully staged in 197 Then in 1977, even as cricket celebrated 100 years of Test matches, the game was changed forever, not by a player or cricket administrator, but by a businessman.They laid down their occupations, which were to include architecture, building coaches and chariots, erecting gateways for temples with images in them, preparing wooden equipment used to perform sacrifices, building mandapas, making jewels for the king.For breakfast we would get a cup of tea and two dry rotis.t occupies space.People from deprived castes cannot be kept to their traditional occupations.In the urban areas, the food insecure families are those whose working members are generally employed in ill-paid occupations and casual labour market.Psychologists study these differences based on factors such as occupation, age, gender, education, culture, etc.

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