Dab example sentences

Most of these chemicals being non-biodegradable reach human bodies through water.This technique has been found to be highly dependable, although it may also be affected by personal biases.The idea of equity, or the equal availability, affordability and quality of water for all, is one of the key issues related to public facilities that the chapter highlights.They also throw garbage, flowers, idols of gods and goddesses and non-biodegradable polythene bags into the river.The fourth one picks up dabbas from the railway station and drops them off at the offices.Understandability means decision-makers must interpret accounting information in the same sense as it is prepared and conveyed to them.The disposal of non-degradable industrial solid wastes, if not done by a proper and suitable method, may cause serious threat to the environment.What is the secret behind the efficiency with which their business is conducted? The story of the dabbawallas begins in the kitchens of Mumbai.The second dabbawalla sorts out the dabbas at the railway station according to destination and puts them in the luggage carriage.The psychological consequences of crowding in our country have been systematically studied by several Indian psychologists in many Indian cities such as Allahabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, aranasi, and Jaipur as well as some rural areas of Rajasthan.However, in case of public goods, there is no feasible way of excluding anyone from enjoying the benefits of the good (they are non-excludable).Ahmedabad is situated in the heart of a cotton growing area.The dabbawallas rely on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.India has several industrial regions like Mumbai- Pune cluster, Bangalore-Tamil Nadu region, Hugli region, Ahmedabad-Baroda region, Chottanagpur industrial belt, ishakhapatnam-Guntur belt, Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut region and the Kollam-Thiruvanathapuram industrial cluster.This is primarily due to emergence of new textile centres in the country as well as nonupgradation of machines and technology in the mills of Ahmedabad.

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