Danger example sentences

If the present trend of resource depletion by a few individuals and countries continues, the future of our planet is in danger.It has resulted in the rendering of certain types of organisms as endangered category.A low ratio endangers the business and puts it at risk of facing a situation where it will not be able to pay its short-term debt on time.The hills and high mountains including the Himalayas, deserts, rivers and seas made journeys dangerous at times, but never impossible.कभी-कभी हिमालय जैसे ऊँचे पर्वतों, पहाड़ियों, रेगिस्तान, नदिेयों तथा समुद्रों के कारण यात्रा जोखिम भरी होती थी, फिर भी ये यात्रा उनके लिए असंभव नहीं थीं|White settlers and European colonists saw pastoralists as dangerous and savage – people with whom all contact had to be minimised.Playing cricket in the privacy of these clubs was more than just fun: it was also an escape from the strangeness, discomfort and danger of their stay in India.Pollution caused by leaks of dangerous chemical substances can cause other kinds of harm.It has dangerous effects on psychological functioning and physical well-being.However, too much emphasis on profit to the exclusion of other objectives can be dangerous for good business.This tiger was trapped in the hills only last month, and he is very dangerous!” Grandfather could think of nothing to say.With every breath came a burp, and with every burp, the danger of bringing out a jalebi or two — the fear was killing me.Aquatic organisms are used to a certain range of temperature in the water-body where they live, and a sudden marked change in this temperature would be dangerous for them or affect their breeding.The symptoms include worry and apprehensive feelings about the future; hypervigilance, which involves constantly scanning the environment for dangers.Her sphere is the home, the care of the children, the nurturing of the family … Do we require any further proof that given such differences, equality between the sexes would only endanger harmony and destroy the dignity of the family?' Louise Otto-Peters (1819-95) was a political activist who founded a women's journal and subsequently a feminist political association.This includes the species which are likely to be in danger of extinction in near future if the factors threatening to their extinction continue.

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