Dependence example sentences

The dependence of business on certain sources may affect its credit worthiness in the market.It became independent in 195 It was among the first countries in Africa to gain independence.However, this dependence on the merchants both for raw materials and markets means that the merchants have a lot of power.The post-Independence period has also seen large scale communal violence.Kwame Nkrumah (pronounced Enkruma), son of a goldsmith and himself a teacher, was active in the independence struggle of his country.After the War of Independence against Great Britain, the Americans gave themselves a constitution.Back in the 1920s, the Indian National Congress – the main party of the freedom struggle – had promised that once the country won independence, each major linguistic group would have its own province.After Independence, the government took the initiative and set up several iron and steel plants.Weaver's cooperatives are one way to reduce the dependence on the merchant and to earn a higher income for the weavers.I dashed to the halwai and bought one more rupee's worth of jalebis, came back and stood on the chabutara of one of the houses, liberally distributing jalebis to the children just like the Governor saheb used to distribute rice to the poor and needy on Independence day.It enjoys the same kind of independence that the judiciary enjoys.People of the colonised countries had to wage struggles to achieve independence.This freed them from financial dependence on the patronage of aristocrats, and gave them independence to experiment with different literary styles.Nationalist leaders promised that there would be full suffrage for all men and women after Independence.(2) States that had enjoyed considerable independence under the Mughals as watan jagirs.

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