Desperate example sentences

In Bengal, the Santhals who had lost their lands under new land rules, became desperate.So desperately had the man desired the doves that he had let him have them at a reduced price.By the next morning, as he took in the desperate situation in the shelter, he decided to get a grip over himself.The desperate need for jobs has been taken advantage of by the contractors to reduce the prices of the goods they order … On 4 June at 2 p.People were suffering and roaming around desperately looking for food and shade.Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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