Embed example sentences

Graphite fibres embedded in plastic material form high strength, lightweight composites.The ATPase enzyme consists of two parts: one called the F0 is embedded in the membrane and forms a transmembrane channel that carries out facilitated diffusion of protons across the membrane.Where do these metals come from? You have studied that the earth s crust is made up of different minerals embedded in the rocks.In this method, the report is designed by assembling and embedding various components from report tool box.These values are embedded in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.This property specifies whether the control embedded on the Form should be visible or hidden when the Form is opened.This pattern came from very small carbon crystals embedded in the iron.A tool box is a collection of visual objects (or controls) that are placed (or embedded) on the Form to provide some meaning or functionality.If the selected controls (such as List box, combo box or SubForm) when added to the Form do not invoke the automated wizard, the control wizard need be selected by click action before selecting the control which is to be embedded on the Form for design purposes.In the example of Access oucher Form shown in Figure 1 4, four command buttons have been embedded.Stress is not a factor that resides in the individual or the environment, instead it is embedded in an ongoing process that involves individuals transacting with their social and cultural environments, making appraisals of those encounters and attempting to cope with the issues that arise.Each tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw bone (Figureure1 2).This record set need be embedded in the report being produced.

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