Emerge example sentences

Towns emerged around temples such as those of Bhillasvamin (Bhilsa or idisha in Madhya Pradesh), and Somnath in Gujarat.These towns emerged as important new centres of weaving in the late nineteenth century.The end result of these changes was the emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires of Europe.Notice how the boundaries of the Mughal Empire were reshaped by the emergence of a number of independent kingdoms.Similarly, earlier centres of regional power collapsed when local rulers were defeated by the British and new centres of administration emerged.Macroeconomics emerged as a separate subject in the 1930s due to Keynes.As a child grows older, the idea of self emerges and its formation begins.As a result, in the year 2003, the tertiary sector has emerged as the largest producing sector in India replacing the primary sector.Stalin, who headed the party after the death of Lenin, introduced firm emergency measures.A number of international agencies and development banks have emerged over the years to finance international trade and business.Industrial regions emerge when a number of industries locate close to each other and share the benefits of their closeness.Ultimately, the English emerged as the most successful commercial and political power in the subcontinent.The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of the Cold War, that is, power rivalries and ideological conflicts between the USA and the USSR, with both countries creating military alliances.As a result, significant economic and social differences emerged amongst peasants.There are policies or schemes that emerge through other means like setting up a committee or by undertaking a survey etc.

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