Endow example sentences

Due to differences in resource endowments and labour productivity, countries find it much more advantageous to produce goods and services in which they have cost advantage and trade the surplus in such goods and services with other nations in exchange of goods and services which others can produce more efficiently.Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology, skill and institutional set up for implementing resource development plans.Skilled, spirited and hopeful young people endowed with a positive outlook are the future of any nation.They also endowed temples with grants of land and money to carry out elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims and priests and celebrate festivals.India is endowed with fairly abundant resources of iron ore.The tea plant grows well in tropical and sub-tropical climates endowed with deep and fertile well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter.It is not that countries which are endowed with a bounty of natural wealth – minerals or forests or the most fertile lands – are naturally the richest countries.The state of Rajasthan is very well endowed with solar and wind energy but lacks in water resources.Suppose you have an endowment of rice which you do not wish to consume today entirely.

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