Formula example sentences

We derive the formulae for calculating the aggregate income of an economy by each of these methods.This process helps in formulation of future plans in the light of the problems that were identified and, thus, helps in better planning in the future periods.Can you draw the structure of propane, which has the molecular formula C3H8 in a similar manner? You will see that the valencies of all the atoms are satisfied by single bonds between them.He is involved in the activities of the organisation, studies critical situations and formulates his own theories for use in a given situation.Their main task is to carry out the plans formulated by the top managers.The numbers of carbon compounds whose formulae are known to chemists was recently estimated to be about three million! This outnumbers by a large margin the compounds formed by all the other elements put together.We may now formulate another postulate: in an isolated system, there is always a tendency for the systems' energy to become more disordered or chaotic and this could be a criterion for spontaneous change ! At this point, we introduce another thermodynamic function, entropy denoted as S.As part of this, we will look at how rights are translated into laws to protect groups from continued exploitation and we will also look at the government's efforts to formulate policies to promote the access of these groups to development.Yet another compound of hydrogen and carbon has the formula C2H2 and is called ethyne.A number of psychologists have used traits to formulate their theories of personality.They developed elaborate methods of training using zikr (chanting of a name or sacred formula), contemplation, sama (singing), raqs (dancing), discussion of parables, breath control, etc.These elements can form halides of formula M 2 and M 4 (where = F, Cl, Br, I).Heavier members Ge to Pb are able to make halides of formula M Stability of dihalides increases down the group.Reduction in the size of the egg-laying bird with ability to utilise more fibrous cheaper diets formulated using agricultural by-products.Questions are also formulated to assess facts as well as subjective assessment.

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