Gain example sentences

Milosevic lost power and was tried by an International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.The introduction of Rationing in India dates back to the 1940s against the backdrop of the Bengal famine.The fixed charge is created against those assets which are held by a company for use in operations not meant for sale whereas floating charge involves all assets excluding those assigned to the secured creditors.It also wastes the resource, which could have been gainfully employed.Though powerless, such groups have fought, protested and struggled against being excluded or dominated by others.After the War of Independence against Great Britain, the Americans gave themselves a constitution.These rocks rub against other rocks and the resultant abrasion causes the rocks to wear down into smaller and smaller particles.Accounts relating to operation of business such as Sales, Purchases, Opening Stock, Income, Gains and Expenses etc and drawing are closed at the end of the year and their Total/balances are transferred to Trading and Profit and Loss account by recording the journal entries.But who were the Swing rioters? Why did they break threshing machines? What were they protesting against? To answer these questions, we need to trace the developments in English agriculture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.It is expected from Le Chatelier's principle that if we increase the concentration of any one of the ions, it should combine with the ion of its opposite charge and some of the salt will be precipitated till once again Ksp = Qsp.In case, however, there are no capital profits or if the capital profits are not adequate, the amount of such discount/loss can be written-off against the revenue profits every.8)10 and there again emerges an excess demand equal to (0.Some people in a town may come together to form an association to campaign against corruption or pollution.I felt as if I was standing on my head and could not get on to my feet again even if I tried.These remunerations will once again be used to buy the goods and services.

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