Illness example sentences

To take Johnsy's mind off her illness, she whistled while working.Stress can cause illness by impairing the workings of the immune system.The stigma attached to mental illness means that people are hesitant to consult a doctor or psychologist because they are ashamed of their problems.Factors such as age at which the event was first experienced, frequency of occurrence, duration of the stressful event and social support must be studied in evaluating the relationship between stressful life events and the subsequent illness episode.If I hadn't eaten I would have been asked to explain why I did not want any food, and if I had pretended illness the doctor would have been summoned and if the doctor, after feeling my pulse, had declared, Munna has devoured a mound of jalebis, I would simply die.He also observed patients with various injuries and illnesses in hospitals.A balanced diet can lift one's mood, give more energy, feed muscles, improve circulation, prevent illness, strengthen the immune system and make one feel better to cope with stresses of life.Actually, psychological disorder which indicates a failure in adaptation should be viewed as any other illness.Recent studies by Kobasa have shown that people with high levels of stress but low levels of illness share three characteristics, which are referred to as the personality traits of hardiness.The poor are more likely to suffer from specific mental illnesses compared to the rich, possibly due to constant worriness about basic necessities, feelings of insecurity, or inability to get medical facilities, especially for mental illnesses.The mean number of stressful life events experienced over a period of one year without producing overt physical or mental illness is approximately two.Social events like death or illness in the family, strained relationships, trouble with neighbours are some examples of social stresses.It is estimated to play a significant role in physical illness and disease.Our own society has witnessed many deplorable instances of discrimination, with and without prejudice, based on gender, religion, community, caste, physical handicap, and illnesses such as AIDS.Often people attributed Sufi masters with miraculous powers that could relieve others of their illnesses and troubles.

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