Image example sentences

We need to be able to critically understand why they use particular images, the personal emotion that they are appealing to and the ways in which this affects how we think about ourselves when we use the product or are not able to buy it.When local deities, once worshipped in thatched huts in villages, gained the recognition of the Brahmanas, their images began to be housed in temples.* * * On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to watch United.As the temple gained in importance as a centre of pilgrimage, its authority in social and political matters also increased.Interestingly, at the time when Sorrieu created this image, the German peoples did not yet exist as a united nation – the flag they carry is an expression of liberal hopes in 1848 to unify the numerous German-speaking principalities into a nation-state under a democratic constitution.To date, the local tribal people make the wooden image of the deity, which suggests that the deity was originally a local god, who was later identified with ishnu.Your image or perception of yourself makes up your “I”.Persons high on this intelligence are word-smart , i.e. they are sensitive to different shades of word meanings, are articulate, and can create linguistic images in their mind.Let us see how the persons who make advertisements decide on what images, text and personal emotions to use to sell the product.Spatial (skills in forming visual images and patterns) : t refers to the abilities involved in forming, using, and transforming mental images.“The very image of the Great Stone Face!” shouted the people.Images flash through his mind of not being able to secure the marks he needs to opt for the subjects of his choice.It also improves the quality of sound and the images that you see.When we are stressed, we have an inbuilt selective bias to attend to negative thoughts and images from the past, which affect our perception of the present and the future.The imprinted image of Krishna or Saraswati was also intended to make the manufacture from a foreign land appear somewhat familiar to Indian people.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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