Instinct example sentences

It is the source of a person's instinctual energy.From the first instant he knew instinctively, unreasonably, that the man hated him; but out of habit he rubbed his hands briskly together, smiled and nodded.The instinctual life force that energises the id is called libido.According to Freud, the unconscious is a reservoir of instinctive or animal drives.Freud also assumed that id is energised by two instinctual forces, called life instinct and death instinct.He paid less attention to the death instinct and focused more on the life (or sexual) instinct.It grows out of id, and seeks to satisfy an individual's instinctual needs in accordance with reality.This model was first formulated by Freud who believed that three central forces shape personality — instinctual needs, drives and impulses (id), rational thinking (ego), and moral standards (superego).Freud believed that people avoid anxiety mainly by developing defence mechanisms that try to defend the ego against the awareness of the instinctual needs.Freud considered much of a person's instinctual energy to be sexual, and the rest as aggressive.She was conscious of a vast world out there waiting for her and she knew instinctively that she would feel as at home there as in the city which had always been her home.

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