Intelligent example sentences

They may be intelligent or dull, dominant or submissive, creative or not so creative, outgoing or withdrawn, etc.Rather than focusing on structure of intelligence or its underlying dimensions, information processing approaches emphasise studying cognitive functions underlying intelligent behaviour.The above mentioned theories are representations of psychometric approach to understand intelligent behaviour.understand psychological attributes on which people differ from each other, learn about different methods that are used to assess psychological attributes, explain what constitutes intelligent behaviour, learn how psychologists assess intelligence to identify mentally challenged and gifted individuals, understand how intelligence has different meaning in different cultures, and understand the difference between intelligence and aptitude.The major focus of this approach is on how an intelligent person acts.Other psychologists, such as Gardner and Sternberg have suggested that an intelligent individual not only adapts to the environment, but also actively modifies or shapes it.Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders? (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle.n contrast, non-western cultures value self-reflection, social and emotional competence as signs of intelligent behaviour.The former is considered to be more intelligent and the latter as more creative.Enjoys strong support in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura, especially among the poor, factory workers, farmers, agricultural labourers and the intelligentsia.The more recent theories representing information-processing approaches, e.g. Sternberg s triarchic theory and Das s PASS model describe the processes underlying intelligent behaviour.Research has shown that highly intelligent people, those who are confident of themselves, those who are strongly committed and have a high selfesteem are less likely to conform.Thus, a person who has the ability to learn faster and reproduce accurately may be considered intelligent more than creative unless s/he devises new ways of learning and doing.The most intelligent student may not be the friendliest one.The intelligent heroine rejects him and chooses Madhavan, the educated and handsome Nayar as her husband, and the young couple move to Madras, where Madhavan joins the civil service.

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