Invite example sentences

For example, a company invited applications for 20,000 shares and received the applications for 25,000 shares.At the end of the book, readers were invited to help study butterfly migrations.And as Sir John's special invitee was present the man who had started it all—Manoj Dutta.But if a famous actor is invited as the Chief Guest, then the media might be interested in covering it.This dilemma invites us to think hard about the outcomes of democracy.A company, however, cannot allot more debentures than it has invited for subscription.Companies generally invite public deposits for a period upto three years.Even today, anyone who wears a half pant which reaches just below the knees invites the comment that he is dressed like a pader! The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month.A company, however, cannot allot more debentures than it has invited for subscription.A company, however, cannot allot more debentures than it has invited for subscription.Any violation of this order may invite penalties and imprisonment, the commission said.It invites you to think on your own and come up with your own reading of the challenges, your recipe of how to overcome these and your own definition of democracy.The Governor invited Devi Lal to be the new Chief Minister.You mean to live with me? A trifle sudden isn't it; you've not been invited.The couple sits at a specially arranged table with their family, friends and invited guests.

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