Ire example sentences

I was trying to free myself from his grasp, yelling, “You don't understand, my mother's in there!” He held on to me while other firefigurehters ran into the house.If anything goes wrong at the critical points, the entire organisation suffers.Even in animal bodies, there are carefully controlled directions to growth.When people repress a feeling or desire, they become totally unaware of that wish or desire.The exporter then proceeds with the formalities related to obtaining an export licence from the Director General of Foreign Trade and getting a registration-cum-membership certificate from the export promotion council looking after the export of the concerned product.Since a business has to balance a number of needs and goals it requires multiple objectives.If some cost is incurred whose benefits extend for more than one accounting period then it is not justified to charge the entire cost as expense in the year in which it is incurred.Nitrogen is thus an essential nutrient for all life-forms and life would be simple if all these life-forms could use the atmospheric nitrogen directly.This source of financing is considered suitable when large funds are required for expansion, reorganisation and modernisation of the enterprise.Only the eyes were saved, but the entire body was permanently disfigureured by deep black pockmarks.Another account described the invasion's impact upon Delhi: (those) … who had been masters were now in dire straits; and those who had been revered couldn't even (get water to) quench their thirst.It gradually chipped away at the authority of the Mughal Empire.A country is said to be in balance of payments equilibrium when the sum of its current account and its non-reserve capital account equals zero, so that the current account balance is financed entirely by international lending without reserve movements.The Companies Act 1956 and the Income Tax Act require that the income statements should be prepared annually.As we read through the story of Palampur, we will learn how various resources combine to produce the desired goods and services in the village.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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