Join example sentences

Joint ventures make it possible to execute large projects requiring huge capital outlays and manpower.For understanding this concept, take two pieces of strong cardboards and join them with the help of two nails.These Agencies mobilised capital, set up joint-stock companies and managed them.Two tables are joined by specifying a JOIN clause based on a condition of Join.The mainstream, flows southwards into Bangladesh and is joined by the Brahmaputra.He and the Grameen Bank he started jointly, received the Nobel Peace Prize for the 200 In February 2007, he decided to launch a political party and contest in the parliamentary elections.Fresh volunteers kept joining through the course of the campaign, till their numbers grew to about 30,000.The DCTs of many nephrons join to a common collecting duct many of which ultimately open into the renal pelvis through the medullary pyramids.We can conclude that when several resistors are joined in series, the resistance of the combination Rs equals the sum of their individual resistances, R1, R2, R3, and is thus greater than any individual resistance.As the size of these stores is very large, they are generally formed as a joint stock company managed by a board of directors.Joint venture is a very common strategy for entering into foreign markets.Then there was the problem of the princely states, almost 500 of them, each ruled by a maharaja or a nawab, each of whom had to be persuaded to join the new nation.There were very few castes of artisans, so artisans in the Ahom areas came from the adjoining kingdoms.The glucose homeostasis in blood is thus maintained jointly by the two – insulin and glucagons.Here, it is called the Dihang and it is joined by the Dibang, the Lohit, the Kenula and many other tributaries to form the Brahmaputra in Assam.

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