Jungle example sentences

TIMOTHY, the tiger-cub, was discovered by Grandfather in the Terai jungle near Dehra.And she remembered another that was brilliant jungle green with a red sash.arious species of reptiles and snakes also thrive in these jungles.Lucknow was taken in March 185 Rani Lakshmibai was defeated and killed in June 185 Tantia Tope escaped to the jungles of central India and continued to figureht a guerrilla war with the support of many tribal and peasant leaders.The deep jungles of the foothills comprising sal and teak slowly disappeared.TIMOTHY, the tiger-cub, was discovered by Grandfather in the Terai jungle near Dehra.Stevenson's Treasure Island (1883) or Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book (1894) became great hits.

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