Kang example sentences

What will the Duck do to make the Kangaroo feel comfortable over land and sea? Let us find out how they go about it.The Kangaroo, though happy to carry the Duck all the way on the tip of his tail, is wary of her wet feet.By the mideighteenth century the Kangra artists developed a style which breathed a new spirit into miniature painting.Here they found ready patrons which led to the founding of the Kangra school of painting.This range consists of the famous valley of Kashmir, the Kangra and Kullu alley in Himachal Pradesh.Kanga was born with 'brittle bones' that tended to break easily when he was a child.Soft colours including cool blues and greens, and a lyrical treatment of themes distinguished Kangra painting.Firdaus Kanga is a writer and journalist who lives and works in Mumbai.Two friends, the Duck and the Kangaroo, are about to set out on a long pleasure trip.

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