Last example sentences

, (a) trading account which shows the gross profit earned, (b) profit and loss account which shows net profit earned or net loss incurred, and (c) profit and loss appropriation account which shows all appropriations from the current year and balance of profit or loss of last year and surplus or deficit at the end of the period.The visit, undertaken casually on the entreaty of an unlettered peasant in the expectation that it would last a few days, occupied almost a year of Gandhi's life.Its combination with other elements such as dihydrogen, dioxygen, chlorine and sulphur provides an astonishing array of materials ranging from living tissues to drugs and plastics.The EmpId (Employee ID) attribute is meant to identify an Employee; Fname, Minit and Lname are respectively the first, middle and Last names of an employee; and SuperId refers to EmpId of the immediate boss of an employee.As it stands last in the list of claims, it provides a cushion for creditors, in the event of winding up of a company.About this time there went a rumour throughout the valley that the great man, who was to bear a resemblance to the Great Stone Face, had appeared at last.On an average, every candidate who contested the last Lok Sabha elections owned a property of more than Rs one crore.The total amount of debenture liability is divided by the number of years it is to 114 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements last and the actual debentures redeemable are identified by means of drawing the requisite number of lots from out of the debentures outstanding for payment.But he laughed to himself as he went away, and the blacksmith, who knew him, understood very well that he had not said his last word.In last year, the interest earned and the appropriated fixed amount are not invested.The fact that the economy may have long lasting unemployment had to be theorised about and explained.I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark.Then, where are the protons and O2 formed likely to be released – in the lumen? or on the outer side of the membrane? ATP is synthesised by cells (in mitochondria and chloroplasts) is named phosphorylation.The plant factors include the number, size, age and orientation of leaves, mesophyll cells and chloroplasts, internal CO2 concentration and the amount of chlorophyll.The raw material is put in the blast furnace where it undergoes smelting (Figure 6).

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