Lie example sentences

Pyrolysis of alkanes is believed to be a free radical reaction.Humanists believe that human beings are born with a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative and constructive, and are driven to self-actualise, i.e. to fulfil this potential for goodness and growth.As the social worlds of these groups altered so too did their beliefs.Many psychologists believe that the best criterion for determining the normality of behaviour is not whether society accepts it but whether it fosters the well-being of the individual and eventually of the group to which s/he belongs.This village has about 450 families belonging to several different castes.Are the earlier generations of any group too greedy? It may be that the earlier generations in some groups were concerned about the coming generation(s) and left something for them.It is a tale of two lovers belonging to two hostile families who are separated by the war and finally reunited.In poor families all suffer, but some suffer more than others.As stated earlier the debentures can also be debentures redeemed by converting them into shares or new debentures.With groupings the sorting applies to each individual group.Like the Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis, the Sufis too believed that the heart can be trained to look at the world in a different way.It refers to any belief or social practice which looks down upon people on account of their birth with certain caste labels.For example, a clinical psychologist may like to observe her/his client's interaction with family members and home visitors.When applied to a chemical reaction, the term 'reversible' indicates that a given reaction can proceed in either direction simultaneously, so that a dynamic equilibrium is set up.Earlier, pastoralists not only looked after animal herds but traded in various products.

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