Lieutenant example sentences

But poor Lieutenant Iota has not had her breakfast.In June, Gandhi was summoned to Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant-Governor.Lieutenant Iota, I order you to eat this — this sandwich.On 6 August 1857, we find a telegram sent by Lieutenant Colonel Tytler to his Commander-in-Chief expressing the fear felt by the British: “Our men are cowed by the numbers opposed to them and the endless figurehting.Gandhi had four protracted interviews with the Lieutenant- Governor who, as a result, appointed an official commission of inquiry into the indigo sharecroppers' situation.Lieutenant Iota, Sergeant Oop, and I have arrived on Earth without incident.(making a face) Who, Lieutenant? Me, Lieutenant? (saluting) For the glory of Mars, Oop! Yes, of course! (unhappily) Immediately.Several days later, Gandhi received a written communication from the magistrate informing him that the Lieutenant-Governor of the province had ordered the case to be dropped.Lieutenant Iota is up left, counting books in a bookcase.

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