Maid example sentences

Then, followed by her Maids of Honour, she went through the palace and called on each of the Princesses.She cried so much that the Maids of Honour, not knowing what to do, told the Queen, and the Queen said it was stuff and nonsense and the child had better go to bed without any supper.) Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With cockle shells and silver bells And pretty maids all in a row.The Maids of Honour wanted to go to a party, so they put Princess September to bed as quickly as they could and left her by herself.For his brief life and an even briefer stay in Madras, Robert Clive seems to have done a lot of moving, besides figurehting some impossible battles in remote corners of India and marrying a maiden in St.When she awoke next day the little bird was still there, and as she opened her eyes he said, “Good morning!” The Maids of Honour brought in her breakfast, and he ate rice out of her hand and he had his bath in her saucer.His wife Santa Devi, works as a part time maid in a few houses and manages to earn another Rs 800.He began to sing again so beautifully that the Maids of Honour were quite surprised, for they had never heard anything like it, and Princess September was very proud and happy.The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant of the house! What we longed for were those bread-bangles which we chose carefully.She burst into a flood of tears, and nothing that her Maids of Honour could say comforted her.

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