Obligation example sentences

Charge is an incumbrance to meet the obligation under trust deed under which company agrees to mortgage specific portion either by way of first or second charge.Social responsibility refers to the obligation of business firms to contribute resources for solving social problems and work in a socially desirable manner.This scheme allows export firms to import capital goods at negligible or lower rates of customs duties subject to actual user condition and fulfilment of specified export obligations.A company has the power to charge interest on calls-in-arrears and is under an obligation to pay interest on calls-in-advance if it accepts them in accordance with the provisions of Articles of Association.Liabilities are obligations or debts that an enterprise has to pay at some time in the future.For example, it may not allow the lessee to make any alteration or modification in the asset; The normal business operations may be affected in case the lease is not renewed; It may result in higher payout obligation in case the equipment is not found useful and the lessee opts for premature termination of the lease agreement; and The lessee never becomes the owner of the asset.As Calls-in-Advance is a liability of the company, it is under obligation if provided by the Articles, to pay interest on such amount from the date of its receipt up to the date when appropriate call is due for payment.The developing countries, however, have been given a greater freedom to decide about the period by which they would liberalise and also the services they would like to liberalise by that period GATS provides that trade in services is governed by 'Most Favoured Nations' (MFN) obligation that prevents countries from discriminating among foreign suppliers and services.Charge is an incumbrance to meet the obligation under trust deed under which company agrees to mortgage specific portion either by way of first or second charge.Sometimes, the acceptor of the bill foresees that it may be difficult to meet the obligation of the bill on maturity and may, therefore, approach the drawer with the request for extension of time for payment.A high ratio, on the other hand, is considered risky as it may put the firm into difficulty in meeting its obligations to outsiders.When a company issues debentures, it is under an obligation to pay interest thereon at fixed percentage (half yearly) periodically until debentures are repaid.When a company issues debentures, it is under an obligation to pay interest thereon at fixed percentage (half yearly) periodically until debentures are repaid.It gives a concise summary of firm's resources and obligations and measures the firm's liquidity and solvency.When a company issues debentures, it is under an obligation to pay interest thereon at fixed percentage (half yearly) periodically until debentures are repaid.

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