Operative example sentences

There are also many attempts to form cooperatives or other collective ways by which people can have more control over resources.The test requires a person to perform a given task with other persons who are instructed to be non-cooperative and interfering.Cooperative reward structure is one in which there is promotive interdependence.The cooperative stores generally buy in large quantity, directly from manufacturers or wholesalers and sell them to the consumers at reasonable prices.It can be understood as a process as well as the functions performed by supervisor (a position at operative level).There are several types of cooperatives possible such as farmers cooperatives, weavers cooperatives, industrial workers cooperatives, etc.Krishak Cooperative provides loans for the purchase of agricultural implements, loans for cultivation and agricultural trade, fishery loans, loans for construction of houses and for a variety of other expenses.On the basis of 'type of ownership', they may be categorised into 'sole trader', 'partnership firm', 'cooperative store' and 'company'.This was because they set up the cooperative which would buy the catch from them at a fair price.Secondly, supervision can be understood as the function to be performed by supervisor, a managerial position in the organisation hierarchy at the operative level i.e., immediately above the worker.Humanists believe that human beings are born with a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative and constructive, and are driven to self-actualise, i.e. to fulfil this potential for goodness and growth.Therefore, the members of an agricultural society develop an attitude of cooperativeness, and consider group interests more important than the individual's wishes.Industries can be classified into private sector, state owned or public sector, joint sector and cooperative sector.Cooperative societies are democratically managed through management committees which are elected by the members.One set of groups, referred to as the 'cooperative group', were told that they would be rewarded collectively for their performance.

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