Pay example sentences

The total amount of debenture liability is divided by the number of years it is to 114 Accountancy : Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements last and the actual debentures redeemable are identified by means of drawing the requisite number of lots from out of the debentures outstanding for payment.It appears on the receipts side of the Receipt and Payment Account and is directly added to capital fund/general fund in the balance sheet, because it is not of recurring nature.There is no leakage from the system – there is no difference between the amount that the firms had distributed in the form of factor payments (which is the sum total of remunerations earned by the four factors of production) and the aggregate consumption expenditure that they receive as sales revenue.If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.First, he asks the leather supplier to supply leather now and promises to pay him later.There is a greater risk when earnings of the company fluctuate; In case of redeemable debentures, the company has to make provisions for repayment on the specified date, even during periods of financial difficulty.He describes how job-seekers walked to London in search of work: 'I had always wanted to go to London, and my desire … was stimulated by letters from an old workmate … who was now working at the Old Kent Road Gas Works … I finally decided to go … in November, 188 With two friends I started out to walk the journey, filled with the hope that we would be able to obtain employment, when we get there, with the kind assistance of my friend … we had little money when we started, not enough to pay for our food and lodgings each night until we arrived in London.These include bank overdraft, creditors, outstanding capenses, bills payable, income received inadvance.Also as the dividend is payable only at the discretion of the directors and only out of profit after tax, to that extent, these resemble equity shares., and interest payable is calculated at the nominal value of debentures.If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.The link between the balance of payments accounts and the transactions in the foreign exchange market is evident when we recognise that all expenditures by domestic residents on foreign goods, services and assets and all foreign transfer payments (debits in the BoP accounts) also represent demand for foreign exchange.Favourable bank balance as per the cash book will be less than the bank passbook balance when there are unpresented cheques for payment.However, the receiving party may not present the cheque to the bank for payment immediately.The decrease (increase) in official reserves is called the overall balance of payments deficit (surplus).

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