Phrase example sentences

That I can be so affected by a few familiar phrases on the bansuri, surprises me at first, for on the previous occasions that I have returned home after a long absence abroad, I have hardly noticed such details, and certainly have not invested them with the significance I now do.The phrase 'modes of entry into international business', therefore, means various ways in which a company can enter into international business.These include rapidly shifting from one topic to another so that the normal structure of thinking is muddled and becomes illogical (loosening of associations, derailment), inventing new words or phrases (neologisms), and persistent and inappropriate repetition of the same thoughts (perseveration).And sitting opposite him I could feel his anguish, the mind buoyant with thoughts that came out in frozen phrases and sentences stiff as corpses.But Sir John picked out the one qualifying phrase: “What are those rare circumstances?” “Well, it might collide with some asteroid before reaching here.Patients hear sounds or voices that speak words, phrases and sentences directly to the patient (secondperson hallucination) or talk to one another referring to the patient as s/he (thirdperson hallucination).This would give them practice in facing an audience, and encourage them to prepare seriously, by: noting down the important points about the person to be introduced, using appropriate phrases to introduce the person (students should be allowed to think what phrases they want to use).Look carefully at the picture of the boy and his dog, and try to describe the things that you see, using just words and phrases.Try to paraphrase what you heard and if you cannot do so, you should seek immediate clarification, if possible.Yet to hear any flute is, it seems to me, to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind, to be moved by music closest in its phrases and sentences to the human voice.Either the teacher or one of the students can write down the words and phrases on the blackboard.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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