Pot example sentences

The voltmeter is always connected in parallel across the points between which the potential difference is to be measured.It is followed by cultivation of potato between October and December.He asked his tall aunt, the ostrich, “Why don't you ever fly like other birds?” Then he asked his tall uncle, the giraffe, “What makes your skin so spotty?” He asked his huge uncle, the hippopotamus, “Why are your eyes always so red?” He asked his hairy uncle, the baboon, “Why do melons taste like melons?” The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon had no answers to Golu's questions.In these furnaces, iron was mixed with charcoal and put inside small clay pots.This gang of nationally integrated make-up men could turn any decent-looking person into a hideous crimson hued monster with the help of truck-loads of pancake and a number of other locally made potions and lotions.Mostly these soils contain adequate proportion of potash, phosphoric acid and lime which are ideal for the growth of sugarcane, paddy, wheat and other cereal and pulse crops.For obtaining orders, potential customers are approached through advertisements in newspapers or magazines, circulars, catalogues, samples and bills, and price lists sent to them by post.Similarly, advertisements of baby food must necessarily inform the potential buyer that mothers milk is the best.As it falls, its potential energy will change into kinetic energy.3 per cent of our total intake of nutrients, they are so potent and so important that without them we would not be able to utilise the other 9 7 per cent of foodstuffs.The energy transferred to the spring inside is stored as potential energy.Alkenes on reaction with cold, dilute, aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (Baeyer's reagent) produce vicinal glycols.On the other hand, somatostatin from the hypothalamus inhibits the release of growth hormone from the pituitary.In spite of this, the result is erosion in the volume of natural resources and expiry of the service potential.From June 1997, in a renewed attempt, Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) was introducted to adpot the principle of targeting the poor in all areas .

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