Provide example sentences

The head office normally appoints inspectors, who are concerned with day-to-day supervision of the shops, in respect of quality of customer service provided, adherence to the policies of the head office, and so on.Thus, we can measure the heat supplied by monitoring the temperature rise, provided we know the heat capacity.Sales are total revenues from goods or services sold or provided to customers.Any modern society requires that these facilities are provided so that people's basic needs are met.Culture provides a context for intellectual development.Access provides for creation of a Form either by Design or Wizard.Thus we have iron and steel industry (production of goods), coal mining industry (extraction of coal) and tourism industry (service provider).This control is included in a Form to provide a blank area for entering the data with or without default values.The industries, both in the public and the private sector, did provide some jobs.Each district and block can be made self sufficient in foodgrain production if government provides proper agricultural infrastructure, credit linkages and also encourages the use of latest techniques.In a similar way, Provision for repairs and renewals may also be created to provide for expected repair and renewal of the fixed assets.You already know our Constitution provides for six Fundamental Rights.These animals provide them with milk, hides from which they make leather for belts, slippers, water bottles; hair is used for mats, carpets, clothes and blankets.Shares cannot be converted into debentures whereas debentures can be converted into shares if the terms of issue so provide, and in that case these are known as convertible debentures.Capital required to undertake the above activities is provided by banking and financing institutions.

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