Realisation example sentences

Realisation of a motive causes restlessness in the individual which prompts some action to reduce such restlessness.Therefore, the trader creates a Provision for Doubtful Debts to take care of expected loss at the time of realisation from debtors.The balance in this account is termed as profit or loss on realisation which is transferred to partners capital accounts in thier profit sharing ratio.However, when members try to maximise their own benefits and work for the realisation of selfinterest, competition is likely to result.It is through the process of coordination that a manager ensures the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to ensure unity of action in the realisation of common objectives.To them the path to salvation lay in meditation on the formless Ultimate Reality and the realisation of oneness with it.When a partner has agreed to undertake the dissolution work for an agreed remuneration bear the realisation expenses.The excess of current assets over current liabilities provides a measure of safety margin available against uncertainty in realisation of current assets and flow of funds.For this purpose, a Realisation Account is prepared to ascertain the net effect (profit or loss) of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities which may be is transferred to partner s capital accounts in their profit sharing ratio.Financial statements are prepared on certain basic assumptions (pre-requisites) known as postulates such as going concern postulate, money measurement postulate, realisation postulate, etc.When the firm is dissolved, its books of account are to be closed and the profit or loss arising on realisation of its assets and discharge of liabilities is to be computed.He argued that psychological qualities such as growth and realisation of potentials resulted from a desire for freedom, and striving for justice and truth.Much of the use of body language occurs in conversing with others without conscious realisation.When some expenses are incurred and paid by the firm in the process of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities.It also records the sale of assets, and payment of liabilities and realisation expenses.

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