Recognise example sentences

What is recognised by the society as rightful becomes the basis of rights.Grandfather recognised him as the keeper who had been there when Timothy had first come to the zoo.He's obviously scared that someone will recognise him and give him up to the cops.If there was such a likeness as the crowd proclaimed, Ernest could not recognise it.The Gond chiefs now wished to be recognised as Rajputs.As already stated, revenue is recognised when a sale is complete or service is rendered rather when cash is received.The power of positive thinking has been increasingly recognised in reducing and coping with stress.The opportunity cost associated with these funds is not recognised by many firms.As you would recall, artists of the time of the French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figureure – here you can recognise the torch of Enlightenment she bears in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other.In the late nineteenth century, many Indian institutions and movements were organised around the idea of religious community because the colonial state encouraged these divisions and was quick to recognise communal institutions.They now recognise the need to preserve biodiversity as a whole.The government agreed to recognise the workers' right to form independent trade unions and their right to strike.He becomes a heroic figureure recognised for his physical courage, sportsmanship, loyalty and patriotism.Parties that get this privilege and some other special facilities are 'recognised' by the Election Commission for this purpose.He recognises the role of social influences in the development of self-concept.

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